Whatcher Looking For?

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Just because you call it art, does not make it art!

Don't get me wrong, I respect individual artists' struggle to find a perch for their products in the big scary corporate world. I adore it when people pour their hearts and souls into creating beautiful items for purchase and I especially like it when they can make a living from doing so.

On the flipside of all this adulation, it really pisses me off when people make shit and expect to be paid lots for it. That's wrong on so many levels.

I also worship at the Regretsy altar, so before anyone spams me and says I'm just a copycat, well, yes and no. I can't deny that creating a blog that seeks out crap that others have the audacity to sell is how April made her name. And yet, I want to try to take a British approach to my critique of crap. We'll see how it goes.

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